“聯(lián)合國生態(tài)系統(tǒng)恢復十年”倡議(the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration)是一項全球性號召,致力于推動世界各地對生態(tài)系統(tǒng)進行保護和修復(a rallying call for the protection and revival of ecosystems all around the world),從而造福人類和自然。它旨在制止生態(tài)系統(tǒng)的退化(halt the degradation of ecosystems),并對其進行修復,以實現(xiàn)全球目標。只有擁有健康的生態(tài)系統(tǒng),我們才能改善人民生計,抵御氣候變化,阻止生物多樣性喪失(Only with healthy ecosystems can we enhance people’s livelihoods, counteract climate change, and stop the collapse of biodiversity)。
聯(lián)合國生態(tài)系統(tǒng)恢復十年從2021年持續(xù)到2030年,這也是實現(xiàn)可持續(xù)發(fā)展目標的最后期限(the deadline for the Sustainable Development Goals)和科學家們認定的防止災難性氣候變化的最后機會(the timeline scientists have identified as the last chance to prevent catastrophic climate change)。
“聯(lián)合國生態(tài)系統(tǒng)恢復十年”由聯(lián)合國環(huán)境規(guī)劃署(the UN Environment Programme,UNEP)和聯(lián)合國糧食及農(nóng)業(yè)組織(the Food and Agriculture Organization,FAO)共同領導,旨在重構、重建、重塑生態(tài)系統(tǒng)( re-imagine, recreate and restore ecosystems)。
The planet was rapidly reaching a "point of no return," cutting down forests, polluting rivers and oceans, and ploughing grasslands "into oblivion."地球正迅速接近“不可逆轉的臨界點”。砍伐森林、污染河流和海洋、開墾草原導致自然資源正在“消失殆盡”。
單詞oblivion本意是“完全被遺忘”,常見的搭配是fade/slide/sink into oblivion,均表示“慢慢淡出別人的記憶”,比如:These toys will be around for a year or two, then fade/slide/sink into oblivion(這些玩具在手邊玩一兩年以后就會被冷落在一旁了)。此外,oblivion還表示“被徹底摧毀”,比如:The planes bombed the city into oblivion(飛機轟炸把這座城市夷為平地)。
"We are ravaging the very ecosystems that underpin our societies," the UN chief warned.我們正在破壞支撐我們社會的生態(tài)系統(tǒng)。
"Our degradation of the natural world is destroying the very food, water and resources needed to survive, and already undermining the well-being of 3.2 billion people -- or 40 percent of humanity," said the top UN official.自然界的退化正在破壞人類賴以生存的食物、水和資源,而且已經(jīng)危及全球40%的人口(32億人)的生存。
But fortunately, the Earth is resilient and "we still have time to reverse the damage we have done," he added.幸運的是,地球是有恢復能力的,我們還有時間扭轉自己造成的破壞。
時政類報道中經(jīng)常提到的“經(jīng)濟有韌性”一般會翻譯為resilience in economic development或者resilient economic growth。所謂的“韌性”就是指經(jīng)歷過挫折和困境以后還能恢復到原先活力狀態(tài)的能力,形容詞resilient和名詞resilience都可以用來表達這個意思。此外,形容詞resilient和名詞resilience也表示“彈性好的,能復原的,適應力好的”等意思,比如:Life is hard there, but the people are resilient.(那里生活艱難,但是人們都堅韌不拔),上文中the Earth is resilient也是這一層意思。This rubber ball is very resilient and immediately springs back into shape.(這個橡皮球彈性非常好,很快就恢復了原狀)。
By restoring ecosystems, he said that "we can drive a transformation that will contribute to the achievement of all the Sustainable Development Goals."通過恢復生態(tài)系統(tǒng),可以推動一場變革,這將有助于實現(xiàn)所有可持續(xù)發(fā)展目標。
"Accomplishing these things will not only safeguard the planet's resources. It will create millions of new jobs by 2030, generate returns of over 7 trillion US dollars every year and help eliminate poverty and hunger."做好有關工作,不僅能保護地球資源,而且到2030年,這場變革將創(chuàng)造數(shù)百萬新的就業(yè)機會,每年產(chǎn)生超過7萬億美元的回報并幫助消除貧困和饑餓。
He pointed out that the next 10 years are "our final chance to avert a climate catastrophe, turn back the deadly tide of pollution and end species loss."未來十年是避免氣候災難、扭轉致命污染浪潮、終結物種喪失的最后機會。
全球生態(tài)環(huán)境治理 global ecological and environmental governance
人與自然和諧共生harmonious coexistence of man and Nature
碳中和carbon neutrality
碳達峰to peak carbon emission